Książki, które mam w ręku, zostały wydane przez Wydawnictwo Craiis, które publikuje fantastykę polskich autorów.
Już wiem, gdzie będę uderzać jak mnie kiedyś znowu napadnie na pisanie :3
piątek, 28 marca 2014
wtorek, 25 marca 2014
Pyrkonowe szaleństwa
Jako geek z powołania, nie mogę sobie podarować uczestnictwa w bodaj największym konwencie fantasy w Polsce (tym bardziej, że w Poznaniu mieszkam). Dla niewtajemniczonych - konwent, to takie dziwne zjawisko, gdzie osoby zainteresowane fantastyką przyłażą, przebierają się, dyskutują, krzyczą, uśmiechają się i ogólnie jest wesoło. To mój czwarty Pyrkon, w związku z czym postanowiłam się wreszcie także przebrać:
Czyli z serii - co nie pasuje do tego zestawu? :D
Swoją drogą pani Komandor Shepard jest po prostu czadowa (chłopaki też, ale... :3).
Suknię zdobyłam przez przypadek w second-handzie, lekko przerobiłam, troszkę zwęziłam i... uplotłam do niej biżuterię:
W tle hala sprzedawców, na pierwszym planie bardzo mały Garrus Vakarian, mrrrr...
Kolia zajęła mi jakieś dwa tygodnie - ale jako że plotłam tylko w wolnych chwilach, myślę że całkowity czas pracy był dużo krótszy.
W całym zestawie jest dokładnie 17 rivolek Swarovskiego w kolorze Siam F i rozmiarach 8, 12, 14 mm oraz jeden kryształ navette w kolorze Red Magma.
Do tego duża ilość koralików Toho w kolorach Silver Lined Siam Ruby oraz Permanent Finish Galvanised Starlight w rozmiarach 11/0 i 15/0. Wszystkie zakończenia są pozłacane.
Oplatanie trochę się ciągnęło, bo całość kolii to generalnie dość szalony freeform, zwłaszcza łączenie pojedynczych rivolek. Ale efekt mnie całkiem zadowala ;)
Na przyszły rok też mam już plan na cosplay... tym razem bardziej konkretny. I bardziej steampunkowy - bo steampunk to ostatnio moja artystyczna miłość. Szczegóły wkrótce ;)
Czyli z serii - co nie pasuje do tego zestawu? :D
Swoją drogą pani Komandor Shepard jest po prostu czadowa (chłopaki też, ale... :3).
Suknię zdobyłam przez przypadek w second-handzie, lekko przerobiłam, troszkę zwęziłam i... uplotłam do niej biżuterię:
W tle hala sprzedawców, na pierwszym planie bardzo mały Garrus Vakarian, mrrrr...
Kolia zajęła mi jakieś dwa tygodnie - ale jako że plotłam tylko w wolnych chwilach, myślę że całkowity czas pracy był dużo krótszy.
W całym zestawie jest dokładnie 17 rivolek Swarovskiego w kolorze Siam F i rozmiarach 8, 12, 14 mm oraz jeden kryształ navette w kolorze Red Magma.
Do tego duża ilość koralików Toho w kolorach Silver Lined Siam Ruby oraz Permanent Finish Galvanised Starlight w rozmiarach 11/0 i 15/0. Wszystkie zakończenia są pozłacane.
Oplatanie trochę się ciągnęło, bo całość kolii to generalnie dość szalony freeform, zwłaszcza łączenie pojedynczych rivolek. Ale efekt mnie całkiem zadowala ;)
Na przyszły rok też mam już plan na cosplay... tym razem bardziej konkretny. I bardziej steampunkowy - bo steampunk to ostatnio moja artystyczna miłość. Szczegóły wkrótce ;)
Mass Effect,
sznury koralikowe,
Pyrkon madness
As a geek, I couldn't resist going to the biggest Polish fantasy convention (even more so because I live in Poznań). For those not familiar with the subject - a convention is a sort of weird thing, were people with interests in fantasy come, cosplay, discuss stuff, shout, smile and have a lot of fun. It's my fourth Pyrkon, so I decided to dress up as well:
One of the four doesn't fit :D
Btw femShep is just amazing (so are the boys, but still... :3).
I got the dress in a second-hand store, did a few small changes, tightened it a little and... beaded my jewellery:
Vendor's hall in the background and very little Garrus on first plane, mrrr...
Whole set took me some two weeks - but since I was only beading in my scarce free time, I think whole time I spent on it was much shorter.
Whole set contains exactly 17 Swarovski rivoli beads in Siam F colour and 8, 12, 14 mm sizes, as well as one navette crystal in Red
Magma colour.
Additionally, a whole bunch of Toho beads in Silver Silver Lined Siam Ruby and Permanent Finish Galvanised Starlight colours, in sizes 11/0 and 15/0. All metal elements are covered in gold.
Beading took me some time, since whole necklace is generally a crazy freeform (especially the way rivoli's are connected). But I'm quite pleased with the effect :)
I have a cosplay plan for next year too... this time a bit more detailed. And steampunk - because it's my latest artistic love. Details soon!
One of the four doesn't fit :D
Btw femShep is just amazing (so are the boys, but still... :3).
I got the dress in a second-hand store, did a few small changes, tightened it a little and... beaded my jewellery:

Whole set took me some two weeks - but since I was only beading in my scarce free time, I think whole time I spent on it was much shorter.

Additionally, a whole bunch of Toho beads in Silver Silver Lined Siam Ruby and Permanent Finish Galvanised Starlight colours, in sizes 11/0 and 15/0. All metal elements are covered in gold.
Beading took me some time, since whole necklace is generally a crazy freeform (especially the way rivoli's are connected). But I'm quite pleased with the effect :)
I have a cosplay plan for next year too... this time a bit more detailed. And steampunk - because it's my latest artistic love. Details soon!
beaded rope,
crocheted rope,
Mass Effect,
seed beads,
środa, 19 marca 2014
poniedziałek, 10 marca 2014
Ogłoszenie / Announcement
Zajęło mi to trochę, ale przetłumaczyłam dotychczasowe posty na angielski. Od dzisiaj wszystko będzie od razu publikowane w dwóch wersjach językowych :)
It took me a while, but I finally translated all posts into English. Starting today, everything will be published in both languages from the start :)
It took me a while, but I finally translated all posts into English. Starting today, everything will be published in both languages from the start :)
Stone wrapping
...since, as I mentioned, it works really well for me lately :)
Something glittery for starters:
Pink is a weird colour. It's overly ladylike, overly sugar, but a colour as any other... and as I bumped into those rivoli in Rose colour, I couldn't resist them :P
Toho Round in 15/0 and colours: Opaque Rainbow White, Silver Lined Rosaline and Inside Colour Rainbow Crystal-Salmon lined as well as 11/0 in SL Frosted Rosaline colour. Spikes made of silver. My wedding ring included as size comparison :)
Also in the colour:
Biiiiig pink howlite. I was wrapping it, and wrapping it, and the net was growing and growing...
Beads SL Rosaline, SL Frosted Rosaline and O Rainbow White. Also silver-coloured metal element.
And one pretty stone without name and accidentally received:
Wrapped in Toho 11/0 and 15/0 in Metallic Hematite and O Rainbow White colours. Silver-coloured metal pendant.
Both stones will be donated for Koci Pazur ("Cat's Claw") from Poznań. Unless someone fell in love with them and wants to order them now - the money will be donated for the kitties! If so, please contact me :3
And few more shots:
Something glittery for starters:
Pink is a weird colour. It's overly ladylike, overly sugar, but a colour as any other... and as I bumped into those rivoli in Rose colour, I couldn't resist them :P
Toho Round in 15/0 and colours: Opaque Rainbow White, Silver Lined Rosaline and Inside Colour Rainbow Crystal-Salmon lined as well as 11/0 in SL Frosted Rosaline colour. Spikes made of silver. My wedding ring included as size comparison :)
Also in the colour:

Biiiiig pink howlite. I was wrapping it, and wrapping it, and the net was growing and growing...
Beads SL Rosaline, SL Frosted Rosaline and O Rainbow White. Also silver-coloured metal element.
And one pretty stone without name and accidentally received:

Wrapped in Toho 11/0 and 15/0 in Metallic Hematite and O Rainbow White colours. Silver-coloured metal pendant.
Both stones will be donated for Koci Pazur ("Cat's Claw") from Poznań. Unless someone fell in love with them and wants to order them now - the money will be donated for the kitties! If so, please contact me :3
And few more shots:
Koci Pazur,
seed beads,
Violet Jasper pendant
I decided to try my skills in a creative challenge of "Kreatywny Kufer":
Another bead wrap (wrapping works very well for me lately...), this time a beautiful stone I found in Koralianki's shop in Poznań. I am guessing it's a violet jasper, but I honestly admit, I don't remember.... I need to refresh and broad my knowledge of minerals.
I hunted it, because I was missing something violet that I could keep for myself and wear for work. Self-advertisement, You know.
And here's the "back" and "front" comparison (personally I cannot decide which side looks better).
...as always, one side came out more loose and the other too tight :P
Toho Round beads, in sizes 11/0 i 15/0, in Permanent Finish Galvanised Aluminium and Inside Colour Rainbow Rosaline/Opaque Purple colours. Silver coloured metal.
Another bead wrap (wrapping works very well for me lately...), this time a beautiful stone I found in Koralianki's shop in Poznań. I am guessing it's a violet jasper, but I honestly admit, I don't remember.... I need to refresh and broad my knowledge of minerals.
I hunted it, because I was missing something violet that I could keep for myself and wear for work. Self-advertisement, You know.
And here's the "back" and "front" comparison (personally I cannot decide which side looks better).
...as always, one side came out more loose and the other too tight :P
Toho Round beads, in sizes 11/0 i 15/0, in Permanent Finish Galvanised Aluminium and Inside Colour Rainbow Rosaline/Opaque Purple colours. Silver coloured metal.
Spring and Japan
I am quite sentimental about Japan and Japanese motives, and especially so about cherry blossom:
I admit, it was my first pattern made with jbead app and I'm quite proud with myself.
If anyone is interested in it, I'll happily share :)
Round Toho beads 11/0 in Opaque White, O Jet and TransRainbow Frosted Cherry. Metal elements in silver colour.
I admit, it was my first pattern made with jbead app and I'm quite proud with myself.
If anyone is interested in it, I'll happily share :)
Round Toho beads 11/0 in Opaque White, O Jet and TransRainbow Frosted Cherry. Metal elements in silver colour.
beaded rope,
cherry blossom,
crocheted rope,
Japanese motives,
seed beads,
czwartek, 6 marca 2014
Wedding set with Swarovski rivoli beads
Today is the jewellery set day :)
I got the idea when I received my biggest yet rivoli - 18 mm bead that is now the centre of the pendant. The rest just came along naturally.
Rivoli in Crystal F colour in sizes 18, 12 i 8 mm. Toho Round beads 11/0 i 15/0, in TransRainbow Crystal, TR Frosted Crystal, Transparent Crystal and Permanent Finish Galvanised Starlight colours (I simply love the last one :D). Also Dagger Beads in Frosted Crystal colour. Earrings made with silver clasps, all other elements in silver coloured metal.
Can be found here.
I got the idea when I received my biggest yet rivoli - 18 mm bead that is now the centre of the pendant. The rest just came along naturally.
Some more details (my tiny camera does great close-ups, but it doesn't do much justice to the farther distance :P)

Rivoli in Crystal F colour in sizes 18, 12 i 8 mm. Toho Round beads 11/0 i 15/0, in TransRainbow Crystal, TR Frosted Crystal, Transparent Crystal and Permanent Finish Galvanised Starlight colours (I simply love the last one :D). Also Dagger Beads in Frosted Crystal colour. Earrings made with silver clasps, all other elements in silver coloured metal.
Can be found here.
beaded rope,
crocheted rope,
seed beads,
wedding jewellery
Red Queen
Doing photos made me crazy. Seriously - not the hard work, not the fact it was my first resin cabochon I made in freeform... Photos. But I did them. Here we go:
The set consists of necklace with cameo, bracelet with White Rabbit and pair of earrings with Swarovski rivoli.
And some details:
I absolutely love the rabbit :D
On Etsy.
The set consists of necklace with cameo, bracelet with White Rabbit and pair of earrings with Swarovski rivoli.
Everything was made with Toho Round beads 11/0 i 15/0 in Opaque Jet, Silver Lined Siam Ruby and SL Light Siam Ruby colours. Metal elements in silver colour.

And some details:
I absolutely love the rabbit :D
On Etsy.
Alice in Wonderland,
beaded rope,
crocheted rope,
seed beads,
Some more bracelets
Time to show off a little more. Today - crocheted rope bracelets.
I'll start with something in spring colour:
Tricolour bracelet made with Toho Round 11/0 in Transparent Frosted Lime, TF Dark Peridot and TF Teal colours. The clasp (that has been my inspiration) and all other elements in silver colour. I couldn't help myself, it just got so "spring-y" in the middle of winter :3
To be found here.
One of my favourite Toho Round 11/0 in Opaque Frosted Terra Cotta colour and gold Knorr Prandell beads. Elements in gold colour.
Is here.
And a Swarovski bracelet for dessert:
I fell in love in that spiral pattern, I plan more...
Toho Round 11/0 i 15/0, in Transparent Rainbow, Silver Lined Crystal, Inside Colour Crystal/Snow lined and Opaque Jet colours. Rivioli Swarovski in jet colour, 12 mm. Metal elements in silver colour.
And here is my brave Malina, who has helped in photo making:
I'll start with something in spring colour:
Tricolour bracelet made with Toho Round 11/0 in Transparent Frosted Lime, TF Dark Peridot and TF Teal colours. The clasp (that has been my inspiration) and all other elements in silver colour. I couldn't help myself, it just got so "spring-y" in the middle of winter :3
To be found here.
One of my favourite Toho Round 11/0 in Opaque Frosted Terra Cotta colour and gold Knorr Prandell beads. Elements in gold colour.
Is here.
And a Swarovski bracelet for dessert:
I fell in love in that spiral pattern, I plan more...
Toho Round 11/0 i 15/0, in Transparent Rainbow, Silver Lined Crystal, Inside Colour Crystal/Snow lined and Opaque Jet colours. Rivioli Swarovski in jet colour, 12 mm. Metal elements in silver colour.
And here is my brave Malina, who has helped in photo making:
beaded rope,
crocheted rope,
seed beads,
And Skyrim...
To close geekery inspirations for now - something inspired by the game Skyrim (or rather fan-made Skyrim mods). Especially the night-sky-changing one, that turns the sky into a colourful madness of light. Hands up, who had one installed *raises hand*.
Quite a big pair of earrings - 3 cm in diameter and total length almost 5,5 cm. Cabochon made with mother-of-pearl, caught in the beaded net I learned to make from Weraph :3, with Toho Round beads 11/0 i 15/0 in Silver Lined Teal and SL Amethyst colours. Metal elements in silver colour.
To be loved here.
Quite a big pair of earrings - 3 cm in diameter and total length almost 5,5 cm. Cabochon made with mother-of-pearl, caught in the beaded net I learned to make from Weraph :3, with Toho Round beads 11/0 i 15/0 in Silver Lined Teal and SL Amethyst colours. Metal elements in silver colour.
To be loved here.
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